P4 Enterprise Project (term 3: March ’22)
Primary 4 have been developing their knowledge about the importance of recycling. In order to make other pupils around the school more aware of this, they worked together to create posters displaying the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling different materials.
“We learned all about ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Recycling is very good for the environment. Lots of people are recycling because they want to help the environment. There are places full of rubbish because some people are not looking after the environment”.
Lilianna, P4
“Recycling means you are not polluting the earth. You can always try to reuse your rubbish for something else.”
Shaphina, P4
“It is better to reuse materials, for example if you have lots of plastic bags then you don’t need to buy more.”
Rebecca, P4